About Us

Our concierges


All of our concierges are CPR certified and background checked. The fabulous group of ladies we have recruited consist of registered nurses who have extensive experience in the labor and delivery/postpartum unit, surgical techs, retired teachers, and mommas who have a heart for service. We feel our pool of concierges is unparalleled and take great pride knowing we are providing mommas the best support you can find.

Our founders


The Postpartum concierge was started by two sisters-in-law, Allison Belanger and Dr. Brooke Storer, OBGYN. Both moms of 3, their combined half a dozen postpartum experiences + Dr. Storer’s profession as an OBGYN has given them extensive insight into what makes a smooth transition from pregnancy to life with a new baby.

They both also recognize the lack of quality postpartum care in America compared to other countries. Studies show that lack of support can be associated with postpartum depression and can compromise both mother and infant.

At The Postpartum Concierge, our goal is to support mom and the new family as they transition to life with a new baby. We know first hand how hard it can be to get a shower in, or to feel guilt for not being able to do all the things or spend time with your other children. We want to fill in wherever we can so that a time that could be overwhelming, is instead filled with joy and excitement.